Friday, February 1, 2013

back to "normal" life...

 Hello Everyone! I'm back!

Just for a quick recap... the wedding went so smoothly, it was almost unreal. There were no major hiccups, the ceremony was spiritual, the venue was beautiful, the donuts and hot chocolate was wonderful (and there was plenty of it), and people (mainly a certain group of our friends) enjoyed the photo booth. The only thing that was slightly amiss was the snowy roads, which kept some of the family and friends from coming. I couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day!

The honeymoon was also wonderful! We left freezing Utah for sunny San Diego, CA. Granted, it was still mid-winter, so the weather didn't quite allow for shorts and bathing suits. The temperature was around 60 degrees for most of the week, which was just fine. We visited Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, Old Towne, and the beach. (Jason had never been to the beach before, and it was adorable to watch him. He was like a little kid! If only it has been warm enough to actually get in the water.) Needless to say, we were not excited to come home and go back to our jobs.

Once we got home, it was back to work... and everything else. Not only do we both work full time, but we are involved in a production of Next to Normal at the Ziegfeld Theatre in Ogden, UT. Once we got home, there were only two weeks left of rehearsal before opening, and we had rehearsal every day! Well, Jason had rehearsal every day; I came on a little later as the Assistant Stage Manager... I keep things running behind the scenes. I love being a part of this show, but it was sad having no time to ourselves.

Now that the show is open, we have time to be with each other again, and we're working on going through the wedding gifts, and making our apartment into a home (however temporary that is). I love being married! I love the constant companionship, and the feeling of security. I love being Jason's wife!

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