Friday, December 21, 2012

the end, and the beginning...

Waiting in the airport for Jason's plane to arrive was... scary. I was very nervous. It had been two years, and the only contact we had were the weekly emails and we Skyped on Mother's Day and Christmas (which I guess is a lot... thank you, Technology). I had told Jason about my little freak out (I tell him everything), and I was unsure of how we should act around each other. I could hardly hold still.

As soon as I saw him, I felt relieved. We hadn't talked about anything, or even touched, but just having him in the same room was comforting. I had forgotten how much I loved him... but all of those feelings came rushing back to me, and it was wonderful! Admittedly, it was still awkward... should we hug, should we not hug? But we did.

The first few hours together were still a little strange, since we really hadn't had the chance to talk one on one. Our wonderful friend Katherine was there to lessen the awkward, and I couldn't have been more grateful for that. By the end of the day, all three of us were cuddling on the couch watching Tangled. Even holding hands with Jason again was like Heaven. I felt so... whole.

We were together again! You have to know, we did give each other the option to date other people for a while... if we wanted to... but neither of us wanted to. After being together again for just a short time, we knew that we wanted to get married. For those who say, "that was fast," I will completely agree with you, but I'm not opposed to it. We knew we were going to get married after a month of dating before his mission, and it wasn't a surprise to either of us that we still wanted that after the mission.

We have a ring, a date, a temple to marry in, a reception center, a dress, a tux, and a marriage licence... and by this time next week, we will be husband and wife, sealed together for time and all eternity; and I couldn't be happier about it!

1 comment:

  1. Sarah!!!
    I need to apologize. I know I was one of those that was a little skeptical of the situation. But seeing how happy you are is just great! Congratulations.

    and dating a new RM myself they really are the best right? ;)

    Hope you can come to the Madrigal Reunion!
