Tuesday, November 20, 2012

... things Earnest taught me.

Life has been happening so quickly lately! So much has happened between this post and my last, but it’s been so fulfilling. Here is a small re-cap:

Directing The Importance of Being Earnest was a wonderful growing experience for me! I wouldn't trade those two plus months for anything. Like every production, there were bumps along the way, but the final product was worth every ounce of hardship. My actors were delightful to watch every night; not only were they all incredibly talented, but they all grew as actors throughout the process. My heart swells with pride when I think of those beautiful people.

Here are a few things I learned through the directing experience: 

1) Preparation is the key putting up a quick production. I didn't realize that as the director I really had to be involved in every aspect of the production. It wasn't like acting in a show, where the set magically appears on the stage one day; I had to be the one to make sure the set pieces came together. So many things are the director’s responsibility, and I had no idea. Luckily, I had an amazing assistant director who has experience in directing, and a fabulous stage manager who worked his tail off to make things work. My deepest thanks to them for helping me know what I needed to do. 
2) Sometimes it’s not easy to work with the board of the theatre, but you do your best with what you are given and move on. There was a lot of miscommunication between myself and the Board, and it caused some contention. Although it was hard to deal with, I learned from it and will be better for it. Communication is vitally important. 
3) Every person that is involved in the show brings something new to the production that you hadn't planned on. The scenes that ended up on that stage were not the scenes that I imagined before casting, but after seeing my actors at work, I wouldn't have it any other way. Each person wanted to make this play a success, and you could see their commitment in the way that they brought their characters to life. 
4) I really like directing! I had a small taste of it in the directing classes I took in college, but they did not prepare me for the love I would feel for a production that is mine. The Importance of Being Earnest will always be special to me.
To sum up, I cherish the experience of being a director, and I fully intend to take any future opportunities to direct again! I thought my love for theatre couldn't grow any deeper… but it really did.
I realized as I was working on Earnest that I had been participating in a theatrical production all year long. Remember the Magic began in January, and then I agreed to be the music director for Hello Dolly! immediately following, and then it went straight into Earnest. From January to the end of October I was at the Old Barn. I told myself that I need to take a break, I was tired, and I have more important things to plan now… but it’s been a month, and I feel like that’s been enough rest! I am craving the stage. Although I've been participating, I haven’t been performing all year… so I think that will be the next thing that I do. In fact, The Terrace Plaza Playhouse will be putting up a production of Little Women in the spring... and being Jo in Little Women is my DREAM!!! With any luck (and a lot of preparation), that will be my next theatrical pursuit.

In the meantime, I really do have bigger fish to fry: I’m getting’ married!!!

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